Monday, August 24, 2015

Adam and Eve: Reading Diary B

·         Adam and Eve would have been forgiven if they had washed themselves in the sea to the North of Eden, but God kind of hid it from them.
·         Cave of Treasures.
·         God made time.
·         Adam and Eve could see angels when they were in the Garden, but not after they left.
·         Adam and Eve killed themselves and God raised them back to life.
·         They could return back to the Garden after 5500 years had passed.
·         God stopped speaking to the couple.
·         Adam and Eve drowned themselves in the water that feed the Tree of Knowledge.
·         They decided not to touch the water because it would further their punishment.
·         They seem to mourn and weep a lot.
·         Adam keeps killing himself.  This seems like a real problem.
·         There seems to be a big difference in God in the passage called the Darkness (
·         “Verily I say unto thee, this darkness will pass from thee, every day I have determined for thee, until the fulfilment of My covenant when I will save thee and bring thee back again into the garden, into the abode of light thou longest for, wherein is no darkness. I will bring thee, to it, in the kingdom of heaven."
·         “All this misery that thou hast been made to take upon thee because of thy transgression, will not free thee from the hand of Satan, and will not save thee.” Maybe they will stop mourning so much.
·         “and take upon Me the infirmity from which thou sufferest” Is humanity a disease?
·         The sun didn’t exist in the Garden?
·         The snake was blown away to India?
·         Did Adam kill himself again?
·         Why are Adam and Eve searching for the Garden?  God said they can’t go there yet.
·         Seriously.  This is a ridiculous amount of suicides.
·         "O Adam, do not again kill thyself as thou didst, by throwing thyself down from that mountain." Finally, he stops.
·         “O God, do not away with me altogether, but be favourable to me every time I die, and bring me to life.” Nevermind…
Painting by William Blake, Source

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