Thursday, August 20, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 1

I decided to get a head start on Orientation Week.  For this week, the reading was the overview of the units we thought we would like to do and our favorite Storybooks.  It was a good way to get acquainted with the things that we will be doing throughout the semester.  I also noticed that a few other people chose to get a head start as well.  It was definitely helpful to see what other people were doing for the assignments.  The sample blog posts that the professor provided were also really helpful.  It was really interesting to see posts from past semesters too.  I’m excited to see what the other assignments will be like throughout the semester.  The stories also look really interesting.  I think that this class will go really well with the rest of my schedule, so that is another good thing.  So far none of my other classes have started yet, but I am looking forward to it.  This summer has been really great, but it will definitely be nice to get back into the flow of things.  I only have three classes on campus this semester, so I’m hoping that I will have ample time to work done and be involved in stuff around campus.  I’m not sure if there will be many connections between this class and my other classes this semester, but I think there will be some overlap with some classes that I have previously taken.  From the units that I’ve looked through, I think that I will get some more in depth knowledge about some topics that my previous classes have touched on.  Though the semester hasn’t really started yet, I feel like this class will be a good class.  The fact that we have the ability to finish the class early is also really appealing.
Created with memegenerator

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that this class might connect up with some topics you know already, while also going in new directions. And I love this meme: I am going to share that with Stacy Zemke, who is the head of the "Alternative Textbook" program in Bizzell. She collects stuff like that, and this is a perfect addition to her collection. So, thank you for that... and have a super weekend!!!
