Monday, August 31, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 2

Adam and Eve, Lincoln Cathedral Great East Window

 For this week I read the unit on Adam and Eve.  I think it was a good unit to start off with.  It was something that I already knew a little bit about, so that really helped.  The first two parts were from the book of Genesis, but the rest was all new to me.  It was really interesting to get the mythology and folklore about the story of Adam and Eve.  For my Reading Diary, I chose to use bullet points to list out my notes as I thought of them.  I tried not to focus on just writing down the main events, but instead, I wrote down the things about the story that stuck out or the questions that stuck with me throughout the story.  Overall, I think this week went by fairly smoothly.  I stayed a week ahead in the class.  My general plan is to do that for the rest of the semester. 
  In my other classes, things are going pretty well also.  I’m not very worried about my classes.  Most of the work in them is reading, which is something that I really enjoy.  I actually just finished reading Beowulf for one of my other classes, so I’m thinking about doing the unit over that in the next week or two.  I’m excited to see how this class and the readings from some of my other classes coincide.  I’m actually surprised with how well I am staying on top of things so far this semester, though it is only the second week.  Hopefully I can keep it up!

  Outside of class, there have been some pretty interesting things going on.  I’ve been following the goings-on with the presidential candidates more than I did last time around.  This coming election will only be the second that I will have voted in, so I’m excited.  The last election, I had barely turned eighteen and was super focused with graduating high school and getting into college.  Now, it seems like it is a bit easy to follow what is going on than it was back then, though that could definitely be the influence of living in a college town.  

Word count: 361


  1. Hi, Nicole!

    I read Beowulf in high school, and I loved it! It was definitely different, but it was a good read.

    I am also paying more attention to the election this time around, probably because I can actually vote in this one! I was just a touch too young for the last one. I am really interested to see how the republican primaries work out! There are quite a few people with their hats in right now, and I think it will end up being a tight race.

  2. I also read the Adam and Eve section. It was really interesting. I enjoyed it. I think it helps to understand a story when you have a little knowledge of it from before. I think its great to catch up on some of these stories and read them later. You get a new appreciation for them. It’s great that you are keeping up with politics during this important time.

  3. Hey Nicole! This post is from a long time ago, but I've already read your introduction! I also read the Adam and Eve unit during week two and I found all the stories incredibly interesting. It was cool to see stories about them that weren't exclusively from the Bible. I'm also following the elections closer this time around. I'm not too impressed with any of the candidates to be honest, but it's entertaining and provides a ton of material for SNL!
